Saturday, October 26, 2013

The 82nd Dear ____ Post

Dear Peppermint Essential Oil, You rock! I totally heart you :)

Dear Bones (the t.v. show), Your episode for this week was AMAZING, including a wedding of two of the main characters. Some friends and I had a special Bones viewing, complete with "wedding" themed snacks, like Bloody Heart Wedding Cupcakes and obama flavored ice cream (since the show's set in D.C. where Obama lives). Yep, we're cool like that :)

Dear Freezer Bags, I'm using you more and more thanks to finally having the desire to cook. And since I can't seem to make a one-serving meal, I always have leftovers. Yay for a full freezer of pre-cooked meals :)

Dear Coffee Filters and Watercolor Paints, You're going to be the main materials for a fun craft I have planned for my younger students to make next week. I hope you turn out as cute as the ones online did.

Dear Package, I received you in the mail this week from a sweet, sweet group of people from a church in the States. Yay for fun surprises! :)

Dear Work Day, You're what I have planned for today. When I said that to one of my classes, they thought that was weird that I'd work on a Saturday. So I told them it was like me doing homework. ...which they thought was even weirder :)

Dear Halloween, I'm not a big fan of you. ...never have been. I'll be so glad when November comes and you're over.

Dear "I Don't Understand," You're what I say to Christians saying such incredibly rude, hateful, disrespectful, un-Christian things about our president and his administration. I guess I just don't get how a Christian can say some of the things I'm seeing people saying on Facebook. We're not supposed to judge people, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that what's happening? I may not be Mr. Obama's #1 fan, but I still feel that I must pray for him and respect his authority over my country and not criticize him.

Dear Christmas in the States, I'm going to miss having you this year. While I'm glad I'll be able to celebrate with friends, it's going to be hard to be away from family... :(

Dear Portuguese Dictionary, Praise Jesus that my new student had you this week. Between that and Google Translate, my limited French, and her limited English, I've been able to teach her new things in English and help her with her other classes. Think about how hard abstract concepts are in each and ever subject you take as a high schooler. Now, imagine having to learn those already difficult abstract concepts in a language of which you only know a small handful of words. This is what a few of my students face every day. Major kudos to them. I can't imagine being in their shoes...

Dear Sad, You're how I'm feeling after learning of a friend suffering a painful, heart-breaking loss. I sometimes don't understand why such horribly bad things happen to such good people. But I was so moved by the sweet testimony that she shared, showing how God had clearly been with them every step of the way, even at the worst times.

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