Saturday, January 25, 2014

The 94th Dear _____ Post

Dear Wow, You'd what I've said to God a few times this week. He's just so amazing! I love how He works everything out just perfectly!

Dear Give Me Faith, You're the name of a song that I love! I'm so thankful for being introduced to you this week. And amazingly enough, I've had to put you on repeat a few times over the past couple days to remind myself of your meaning when I got some not-so-great news over the phone.

Dear To Do List, You're something I need to write pretty soon. It looks like it'll be a big list. So I better get started on it soon.

Dear 3 Day Weekend, You're what we have this weekend since we don't have school on Monday. I'm so looking forward to not having to set an alarm this weekend (well, most of it). Sleeping Late, here I come!

Dear Sleeping Late and Taking Naps Too, Is it sad that I'm excited about getting to experience you this weekend? Don't judge people. :)

Dear Tests, I gave 3 of you yesterday. Almost every one of my classes had one. While it was a nice idea to have everyone finish up their current chapters on one day, I'm thinking I'm going to regret that when I have all those tests to grade this weekend...

Dear Scrabble, I played you with one of my classes yesterday. You were quite entertaining. They thought I'd found a new, cool game for them. Yay for something old being fun and cool! Ha! :)

Dear T-Shirt Quilt, You're something I'm planning to start making in a few months when I get back to the States. Here is a link for a no-sew option for a blanket. For a non-crafty person such as myself, I must say... I'm pretty excited about this!

Dear Anticipation, You're what I'm feeling right now. How exciting it is to live a life serving my Maker and doing what He's called me to do! I'm so blessed!

Dear Spending Time with Friends, You're what most of my weekend will consist of. Last night I did so while watching this movie and eating this style of food and eating this ice cream. Then tonight, I'll be spending time with another friend doing "in-home pedicures" and watching a movie. I'm blessed with such good friends! What a gift they are!

Dear Using Up The Food At Home, You're what I'm planning on doing for a while. Yes, I have the money to buy new food. But why should I when I have so much at home?! Maybe that'll be a future blog post. I can see it now... Raiding the Cabinets, Parts 1 to 100 :)

Dear 100+, You're how many people (staff, students, & parents) went out to a village this weekend for DA's annual Outreach trip. They're doing all sorts of projects to help the people in the area, including working on churches, painting, building, evangelism, kids programs, etc. I love seeing anyone, but kids especially, excited about furthering the Kingdom! It's awesome! :)

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