Saturday, April 26, 2014

The 106th Dear ____ Post

Dear My Aunt Donna, You're who's having a birthday today. I hope your special day is filled with all sorts of awesomeness. See you this summer! :)

Dear Alabama District Council, You happened this week. Thanks to them offering online streaming, I was able to watch almost all of the services live (...except for the ones happening at midnight, that is). What a blessing it was, though, to feel like I was a part of the services even though I was a few thousand miles and an ocean away. And it's exciting to think that I'll be able to be there, in person, next year!

Dear 6 Weeks, You're how long I have left before I fly back to the States. ...which means I have only 6 weeks and 2 days left 'til I see my family again! Where has the time gone?

Dear A Little Over a Month, You're all that's left until my second niece is born. Wow! It doesn't seem real at times... It seems like just yesterday that I got the text saying her big sister was born.

Dear 3 1/2 Days of Classes, You're what we have this coming week at school. Of course, we, teachers, also have an afternoon of meetings, but still... :)

Dear "Lost for Words," You'e the title of a Youtube video I watched last night. You have a powerful message that many in our world, today, really need to hear. Actions often speak louder than words. Even if you can't communicate with someone using words, you can still be a friend. You can still be a nice person.

Dear Pocahontas, You're the movie I watched last night. What can I say? I love kid movies :) And this is my favorite quote from the movie...

Dear Ideas for New Blog Posts, You're what I have planned in the coming weeks. As of now, I have ideas for posts on stepping out of your comfort zone, Rednecks, lessons learned from popular children's books, what I'm going to miss in leaving DA, what I'm looking forward to in the States, being an Aunt, and more.

And speaking of my blog...

Dear Blog Readers, I'm trying to improve my blog, so I'd like some feedback from you. Is there anything you'd like to see on the blog? Now's your chance. ...unless you're going to say something ridiculously crazy like my brother usually does :)

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