Wednesday, April 16, 2014

My One Thousand Gifts #157 - 164

Each week, I'm highlighting new items I've added to my list of one thousand gifts. These aren't always big things. In fact, sometimes it's the littlest things that stick out the most. 

This week, I've added 8 new things...

#157 - a non-burned batch of cookies

I'm usually not a good cookie baker. It never fails. I always, always end up burning at least half of the cookies. But this past week I made cookies for a student's birthday and for the first time EVER, I made a complete batch of (4 dozen) non-burned cookies. YAY! :)

#158 - a glittery sticker

On Friday I gave an ESL test to a student that will be starting next year. When we finished and were walking toward the door, she handed me a sticker, gave me a hug and said, "Teacher, you nice. I like you." And yes, I believe my heart may have melted just a little... 

#159 - excited test takers

This week our elementary students are taking their standardized tests. As my little friends and I walked to my room to take the test, they were all chatting about how excited they were to take the tests. I guess the thrill of the unknown was there. Haha! I have to admit. I'm not the biggest fan of standardized tests. I never have been. I just don't think they're an accurate measure of what our students know. But I know it's required, so I'll give them. And it helps to have excited test takers to give them to :)

#160 - a game night with friends

I called home the other day and got some discouraging news. Not wanting to be by myself and have time to just sit and think about my news, I called a friend and she agreed with me that a game night would be fun. What we ended up with was an impromptu game night with three of us laughing and talking for a few hours, making my night so much nicer.

#161 - 2 new recipes

I made 2 new recipes this week and both turned out incredible! One was garlic green beans (yum!) and one was Korean fried chicken with a sweet & spicy glaze. Oh my goodness... Both were absolutely delicious :)

#162 - foam crosses 

I bought a pack of foam crosses when I was back in the States, thinking I'd use them at some point or another this year. Then I realized they'd be perfect for the Easter craft I had planned for Kids Club this week. It's amazing how excited kids get over the littlest of things :)

#163 - an Easter lesson 

This is my favorite Bible story to teach. I'm so thankful for the Easter lesson God gave me to use in Kids Club yesterday afternoon. The whole time I was preparing and delivering the lesson, I couldn't help but think... The hope we have as a result of Jesus's death on the cross - that hope is what I pray is one day held by every single family and country represented by the students hearing this lesson

#164 - a reminder to trust God

Someone posted the picture below on Facebook yesterday and it was a good reminder to simply Trust God.

And in case you want a recap of the other things on my list, you can find them below...

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