Monday, May 4, 2015


Grieving is a unique process, with no two people handling it in the exact same way.

When you're feeling sad or down, find a way to be a blessing to someone else. It will boost your mood - even if only for a moment.

Technology is great. ...'til it's not.

Running late for work? That'll be the morning you get stopped by every single red light and the train comes through town.

Even the most outgoing, external processing person likes a little peace and quiet at times.

A paper cut on your hand hurts. Squirting jalapeƱo juice in that cut hurts even more.

A bouquet of flowers is nice. 20 bouquets in one tiny room? Sensory overload!

Conversations with an almost three year old never get boring.

Telemarketers will almost always call at a bad time.

It's hard to fully appreciate electricity and running water until you've had to live without both for any period of time.

Patience is a good thing.

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