Friday, May 15, 2015

What I Wish I Could Say, Part 2

About a month ago, I wrote a post detailing how hard it was to keep my mouth closed when some people have said truly ridiculous things to me. 

Well, it's now time for Part 2 of that post. Let's face it y'all... This craziness is still alive and strong!

As with my last post, I am thankful that God helped me keep my mouth closed when encountering these people. 

But if God would have allowed me at certain times in my life, I would have definitely spoken my mind to certain people, like...

...the people who use the word, retarded, to make fun of someone. Seriously... Do you not realize how ignorant that makes you sound?!

...the people who blatantly lie to my face and I know they're lying. I so wish I could call them out on it. But alas, I take a deep breath and just turn the other way.

...the woman who thought it was hilarious to discuss my size with her friend one aisle over at the store the other day. 

...the parent who told me how lucky I was to be able to work from 8 to 3:39 every day. I wish I could've pointed out that I arrived at 6:45 that morning and I didn't leave until 5:40 pm, and I only left then because I had to go to the board meeting from 6 to 7:30. Oh and once I got home, I worked on IEPs and other paperwork until 1 a.m. But no, I didn't say all of that. Instead I just smiled and continued on my way. Grrr...

...the person who said, and I quote, "Why would you go back to Senegal? Aren't you afraid of catching Ebola or getting caught in the middle of the war? Africa is always in the news for Ebola and war, you know." Oh Dear Baby Jesus, it's times like this when I have to literally clench my teeth together to prevent myself from calling someone a big ol' idiot! I mean seriously...

And now another meme, just to show how I feel when confronted by this ridiculousness...

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