Tuesday, November 26, 2013


I'm currently...

...thankful for all the kids that call me Miss Nichols (or Teacher). I truly love my job and consider it one of my biggest blessings at this point in my life. I'm so thankful that I get to do what I do every day.

...glad that this is a short week. We had a full day yesterday and today and will only have a half day tomorrow.

...looking forward to our school's Turkey Bowl tomorrow. I'm looking forward to watching American football and eating American food (brats!!).

...looking over my shopping list for my contributions to our Thanksgiving meal, I'll be making a pumpkin spice cake and bringing a veggie tray. Yay for easy things :)

...ready for this coming weekend. I'm going out to the village with some friends and co-workers. There will be roofing, painting, well digging, and food preparing (among other things) done.  And that's not to mention the biggest reason for going...sharing the love of the One True Savior with our Senegalese brothers and sisters.

...writing out my Christmas To Do List. These are things I plan to do in Dakar the first week of Break while I'm here solo. So far I only have 2 things on my list. Are there any Dakar people reading this? What would you recommend adding to my list?

...enjoying these unusually cold days we've been having, allowing me the joy of being able to wear long sleeves, socks, and clothes toed shoes again :)

...working ahead on my "homework" from my Bible Study on David. Normally I work on it over the weekend, but I figured I'd get a head start on it today since I won't be home next weekend.

...happy that I was able to work a cute Thanksgiving story and craft into my lessons with my younger kids this week. We read P is for Pumpkin: A Thanksgiving Harvest Story and made Thankful Trees.

...thankful for a team that came out this week that brought out the shoes I ordered. I'm also thankful for the gift of someone buying those shoes for me. Shoes are great, but free shoes are even better :)

...double-checking my list of Christmas gifts I need to buy. I'm thankful for Amazon.com, one of the few sites that will let me purchase items while being in Senegal. This way I can just have them shipped to the person's door.

...thankful for the Christmas card and stickers that came in the mail yesterday. Yay for my Mom mailing me cards :)

...praying that God will fully heal my dad. His open heart surgery last month has really taken its toll on him. I wish he could be back to how he was before all this heart trouble started. I wish all the pain, tiredness, and frustration would leave his body.

...realizing that I never fully knew how hard it would be to not see my family at Christmas this year. I knew it'd be hard. But I guess I thought it'd hit me on Christmas day. But it's a month a way and it's hit me hard...

...thinking that anyone that downplays the pain of homesickness as being "no big deal" has probably never truly felt it themselves. Just sayin'...

...finding way to distract myself from the homesickness/loneliness that's kicking my tail. It helps that my teaching schedule got busier this week, my to do list got even longer, and that I'm making a list of things to do at the beginning of Christmas Break.

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