Monday, November 4, 2013

My Monday in Pictures

What do you do all day? 

I get asked that question more times than any other question. So I thought that I'd take pictures all day to show you a little of what I did today. 

Here is my Monday, November 4th.

I wake up at 5:30 every morning for work. I love that this cutie's face is the first thing I see when I wake up :)

The first thing I do every morning (before even getting out of bed) is read for my Read the Bible in a Year plan. I'm sorry it's a little dark. I refuse to turn on the lights until I'm ready to get dressed. I read the Bible and journal in the mornings on my computer, which is lit up. I then read my devotional which is on my iPad, which is also lit up. Therefore, I can enjoy not having a bright light shining in my eyes first thing in the morning. Don't judge... :)

I always put my Worship music playlist on shuffle in the mornings as soon as I wake up. I so love this song!

A friend sent me this article about teaching English in a one-on-one setting. It had such great ideas! Thanks Olivia :)

Time to get ready! This is one of my most favorite songs. I love it!!

This week is Spirit Week at my school. Today's theme is "Funny T-Shirt Day." I wanted to wear the t-shirt below, but considering it could be considered a little  culturally inappropriate, I changed my mind... :)

And instead, I wore this one. Anyone know who this guy is? Come on A/G people... This is Buddy Barrel. He's pretty cool! :)

...walking to school. I feel like such a little kid today. I'm wearing a Buddy Barrel (who's meant for kids) t-shirt and wearing my (heavy) backpack. But I really liked this picture, so I'm including it :)

This is the view I saw when I stopped at my classroom door. God is such an awesome artist! 

The water situation in Dakar was supposed to be fixed this weekend. As you can see from this sign, it wasn't... Boo :(

It's finally cool enough to drink hot tea without it making me sweat. Ha! I leave this awesome London (best vacation ever!) mug at school so I can easily make my tea in the microwave at work. My tea of choice today? This is a fabulous little tea I picked up at Animal Kingdom (2nd best vacation ever!) this summer. Inexpensive souvenirs? Yes, please! :)


I can't get wireless internet in my classroom. Boo :( So when I need to use my laptop to get online, I have to connect with the long cable. 

I make a To Do List every single day. 

I had to drop off something in the business office at school and saw this. Look it's FALL leaves! Someone mailed me a bunch of them, so last week, I shared them with my friend that works in the business office :)

Just call me Shoe Repairer Extraordinaire. Once of my middle schoolers' shoe broke and she could barely walk in it. She asked if I knew how to fix it, so while they did their bell work, I Macgyver-like fixed her shoe with some scotch tape :)

We're taking a break from our normal reading textbook in my MS/HS classes and reading novels. Since they're longer versions of stories included in our textbooks, they're pretty excited.

This cutie's teacher had to run to the office this afternoon, so I volunteered to hang out with her until her parents picked her up. She's one of my youngest students and is from Congo. Look at that sweet smile! 

I brought supper with me this morning. So once I finished my Bible Study homework, I decided to watch a Duck Dynasty rerun while I ate. And yes, that would be my feet propped up on the desk :) Bible Study. I'm loving this one!

Tomorrow's theme for Spirit Week at school is Plaids and Stripes. And yes, you're supposed to wear both - the more mismatched the better :) Here's what I'll be wearing. Blue and purple plaid bottoms, Black and white striped top, and Christmas/Santa striped socks with my flip flops AND I'll have a striped scarf (that somehow didn't make the picture). Isn't it so beautiful mismatched? :)

Oh my... It's a little after 10. That means it's past my bedtime. Goodnight Blog Readers! Thanks for joining me on my Monday in pictures :)

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