Saturday, November 16, 2013

The 85th Dear ____ Post

Dear Senegal, We’ve been celebrating you all week at school for our Senegalese Appreciation Week. Thanks for being such a nice host country. Thanks for providing such hospitable people, such delicious food, such awesomeness. Thanks for being such a great country to so many people!

Dear Sorting, You’re what I’ve been doing with my stuff this week. I’ve been slowly weeding through my clothes, getting rid of things that no longer fit (yay for losing weight!) and things that are faded or stretched out from the harsh elements and daily wear and tear. It’s been such a great feeling to see things finally looking more sorted and organized.

Dear 1000 Gifts, I’m still listing you. As of this past Thursday’s post, I have 29 items on my list. Thanks for being such a nice reminder to stop and offer thanks for all of the “little” gifts God places in my path.

Dear Bacon Cheeseburger, You’re what I had for supper last night, thanks to a fundraiser one of the classes at school had. Thanks for being so deliciously awesome!

Dear Waking Up Earlier, I’ve been praying that God would help me with you – that He’d give me the extra energy needed to be alert first thing in the morning so I can focus my full attention on Him. I seem to have gotten in a bit of a rut with my personal devotions and Bible reading, leaving it feeling like more of a chore than something I actually enjoyed. So I asked God to help me to wake up earlier each morning. And you know what? It worked. Thanks God for helping me with this.

Dear Saturday, You’re the one day of the week where the item above doesn’t really apply (since I don’t really have a schedule on Saturdays). So it was nice to not have to use my alarm clock this morning, but instead, just wake up whenever :)

Dear Catch up, You're what I'll be playing today, catching up on some work I've pushed to the side 'til I had enough time to do it. Well, today's the day... 

Dear Sore Throat, You seem to be hanging around. I'm trying really hard not to get sick. I'm trying really hard not to get the nasty cold that's going around amongst my germy kids, but alas, I think I may be getting it anyway... Boo :(

Dear Christmas Break, This year will be the first time ever that I won't be spending you in America (or more importantly, the first time I won't be spending you with my family). I think it's finally hitting me, though, leaving me feeling kind of sad... :(

Dear Coloring, I did quite a bit of you the other night, trying to hurry and finish a picture one of my youngest students asked me to draw for her. I must say... Coloring, you bring out the inner child in me. There's something fun and child-like about using crayons.

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