Friday, November 22, 2013

The 86th Dear _____ Post

Dear Weekend, I'm so very glad you're here! This has been such a long week. 

Dear Cold, You're how I'd describe the past week. It's been amazing! I loved getting out my long sleeved shirts, socks, and my blanket. Although, I must say... I do think its a little funny that I'm feeling so cold when it's only in the low to mid 70s. I told someone yesterday that this was God's way of helping me since I won't be going to the States and experiencing real cold this year :)

Dear Difficult, You're how I'd describe what it's like knowing I won't be able to go to the States for Christmas this year. It's sad. It finally hit me this week. Wow...

Dear 1st Semester, You're almost over. It seems like we just started school yesterday. Time has just flown by...

Dear Christmas Bazaar, You're where I'm headed with a friend in a little while to check out some inexpensive handmade goodies. 

Dear Shady Shack, You're what I plan to have for lunch today. ...awesome Lebanese food!

Dear Internet Company, Due to you being frustratingly annoying, I haven't been able to use Skype to call my parents in a while. If you're reading this Internet people, you stink! ...just sayin'

And on a much happier note...

Dear Christmas Decorations, I'm planning to put you up tomorrow. Yay for colored lights, fake snow, and sentimental ornaments on my tree :)

Dear Thanksgiving, Don't worry. I'm not forgetting you :) I just know that I'll be gone the weekend after you so I want to have the decorations up when I get back. I still say you're one of my favorite holidays, and I look forward to spending you with friends and co-workers and giving thanks for all I've been blessed with.

Dear "My Beloved" by Kari Jobe, You are such a beautiful song!

Dear Financial Supporters of my Ministry, You're amazing! Thank you for your continuous giving. Thank you for helping me to stay on the field all this time. Thank you for providing the resources for me to do what God has called me to do. Please know just how incredibly appreciative of you (each and every one of you) I am. 

Dear Missions, You're a great line of work. I'm glad I get to call you mine :)

Dear Bible, You're such a great book. I've recently felt convicted by how I read you, but don't do so with the same excitement as the latest popular book that just came out. You should be a book I can't put down. Thanks to that conviction, I've started feeling that way. You've been in my purse ever since when I go places. You're what I pull up on my iPod while I'm sitting and waiting somewhere. You're the first thing I see in the morning and the last thing I see at night. You're pretty awesome Bible. Thanks for being available to me :)

Dear God, Thanks for loving me always. Thanks for protecting me, providing comfort when I'm sad, correcting me when I mess up, wrapping your arms around me when I'm lonely, and rejoicing with me when I achieve success. Thanks for all you have done for me in the past, are doing for me now, and will do for me in the future. You rock God!

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