Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Why was 6 afraid of 7?

Why was six afraid of seven? ...because seven ate nine. Get it??? Ha! :)

I saw this survey on a friend's blog and thought I'd join the 6789 bandwagon :) 

Six things I'm passionate about:

1. Jesus Christ - He's my Savior. He's my hope. He's my best friend. He's my everything!
2. Missions - Even if #1 hadn't called me to this line of work, I'd still be passionate about it. It's the Great Commission. There are so many people that have NEVER heard about my #1. How can I not be passionate about shrinking that number?!3. Teaching - I love teaching! I love the joy in watching a child's light bulb come on and seeing they finally get something they've been struggling with. I love sharing the gifts God has given me. 
4. Advocating for my students - This started back in the U.S. when I taught Special Education. And it continues now that I'm teaching ESL. My students need a little extra help from time to time. It's sometimes hard for teachers not trained in working with students that meet this criteria. So I'm definitely passionate about advocating for the best educational situation for my students using the resources we have. And thank the Lord for awesome teachers that are willing to do these things here at DA. 

5. Family - I love my family so much. I am definitely passionate in my love for them. I'm so thankful for their love, encouragement, and support. And I love that I know they've always got my back and vice versa :)
6. Alabama - I love my home state. I love it! I love when I see Alabama in the news (for something good). And it bugs me so much when people crack jokes about Alabama or its citizens. That's my sweet home Alabama you're talking about :)

Seven things I want to do before I die:

1. get married
2. have children

3. become a Career Missionary with the A/G
4. work in an orphanage
5. go back to London

6. visit all 50 states in the U.S.
7. go skydiving

Eight of my favorite TV shows:

1. 19 Kids and Counting 
2. Bones
3. Survivor
4. Psych
5. Chopped
6. Big Bang Theory

Nine random facts about me:

1. Fall is my favorite season. It's so sad that Dakar never gets to experience the awesomeness that is Fall.

2. I broke my left wrist in the 4th grade. Since I'm left handed I had to learn how to write with my right hand. ...wasn't fun.
3. I made the highest score possible on the ASVAB (the armed forces test) my senior year of high school. I had recruiters hounding me for a while. I told them all the same thing... I am so grateful for all you do for our country, but it just wasn't for me.
4. I know how to drive a manual. I have no desire to do so here in Dakar, though. I'll stick to the streets of America where there are obeyed traffic laws and less madness on the roads... 
5. I secretly want to write a book. ...about what? I don't know. I haven't decided yet :)
6. I love the smell of freshly cut grass.
7. I've had a few people tell me I'm not a "real" missionary (or ask me when I'm going to stop teaching and start working as a missionary) because of what I'm currently doing. Even though I know that's not true, I always let it get to me. 
8. I miss teaching 1st grade.
9. I love teaching ESL. 

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