Thursday, November 7, 2013

The 84th Dear _____ Post

Dear Weekend Away, You're what I'll have this weekend. Yay for sleeping in A/C, hanging out with an awesome group of ladies, hearing a fabulous speaker, digging in the Word, drawing closer to my Jesus, eating good food (and not having to cook for myself for a change), spending time in the pool, sleeping in the A/C, and more.

Dear Sleeping in the A/C, Yes. I do realize I mentioned you twice. Do you know why? ...because you are THAT important to me. Ha! This girl loves (and misses) air conditioning. It's too bad you're so expensive. Otherwise, I'd totally have you in my apartment.

Dear Spirit Week, We had you at my school this week and had to dress up every day. We had a funny t-shirt day, plaids & stripes day, Duck Dynasty day, character day, and then tomorrow will be color day. It was pretty funny seeing all the creative costumes that students (and their parents) came up with. After all, it's not like we can run to the store and buy a brand new costume.

Dear David (from the Bible), Some co-workers and I are doing a Beth Moore study on you. I am so loving you! Each week I come away with some incredibly useful nugget of awesomeness from you. 

Dear Dad, You started back to work today. Being the natural, worry wart of a daughter I am, I was a little worried. I even stayed up later tonight than I normally would, just so I could call once you got home to see how it went. I'm so glad your day went well. You are so blessed with such an amazing recovery time and to be working with such awesome people. I was so happy to hear good reports from you. I know God's got some big plans for my Daddio :)

Dear Month of Thanks, I'm choosing to focus on the little things each day and post them on Facebook during you. Here's the little info blurb I borrowed from someone else's Facebook page and tweaked a little to use on mine. Although, I totally forgot whose page I borrowed it from. Oops...

It's November - the month of thanks. So each night I'm going to recap the little things that happened in my day I'm thankful for. So often we focus on the big things in life...which is fine, of course. But I'm trying to be more intentional about being thankful for all things - even the little things. It's such a fun
reminder about how God takes care of us and provides all the things we need (and many of the things we want too). I'm so thankful to Him. I'm so blessed!

Dear Cool Season, I wish you could be here all year. I think that'd be pretty awesome!

Dear Fall Play, I watched my school's performance of you this past weekend. I'd never heard of the play, so I had no predictions going into it. I so enjoyed it! We have such talented kids (and an awesome Drama teacher too) at our school. What a blessing it is to watch them showcase their talents like this!

Dear Nail Polish, While I realize this is a totally trivial thing to talk about, I don't care... You sure do know how to brighten my mood. It's kind of funny, but it's true. You're brightness, combined with a cute outfit totally make me smile a little more. Thanks for brightening things up a bit. P.S. to anyone reading this... Does anyone else ever feel this way? Or am I the only one? :)

Dear June 2, 2014, You're when my new niece or nephew is due to be born (although he or she will probably come earlier due to a scheduled c-section). It looks like a summer of baby holding is what I'll be doing. I missed the itty-bitty baby stage with this new little one's big sister since she was 4 months old when I first met her. So I can't wait for this one's arrival! :)

Dear New Year's Resolutions, I'm not the best at sticking to you. Does anybody??? Anyways, I've decided to start thinking about you in now. I've got a few ideas - some are ones I've had before and some are totally new. Here's hoping that 2014 is the year for sticking with New Year's Resolutions :) 

Dear Internet, I'm planning to leave you behind this weekend. Shocking, I know... Those who would actually need to get in touch with me could. Cell phones are great for that. But I want to be free from at least one distraction this weekend :)

Dear iPod, Thanks for taking such good pictures. I love my camera. I do. But you, iPod, are so much more convenient :)

Dear Alabama (the football team), You guys are doing pretty awesomely this year. I'm so enjoying watching you each weekend. And I must admit... Even though I'm happy to leave internet behind this weekend, I am a little sad to miss watching you guys play on Saturday. But I've already asked my dad and brother to text me with the score so I'll still be "in the know." Ha! My dad is so proud of my obsession with watching you :)

Dear Packing by Candlelight, You're what I had to do tonight thanks to a power cut. Boo! For the record... I did double check everything once the power came back on. :)

Dear Obama (the ice cream), Thanks to a friend wanting your delicious goodness and me not wanting her to eat alone, I got the pleasure of enjoying you. You are the most delicious ice cream. Thanks for being so great! :)

Dear Tye Dyed Pants, Guess who will be wearing you tomorrow! Oh yeah. I'm cool :)

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