Dear Dakar Academy, For the past 5 years you've been my place of employment. You've brought co-workers into my life, who've become friends. You've brought an amazing variety of students into my life. You've helped me become a better teacher. You've given me the chance to spread my wings and live outside of America. And somewhere along the way, you became home to me. Thanks for being such a great place to work at. I'm going to miss having you in my life.
Dear Students I've Taught at DA, Thank you for being your unique, amazing selves. Thank you for teaching me possibly as much as I taught you. Thank you for challenging me to improve as a teacher. Thank you for the pictures, the letters, the hugs, and the smiles. Thank you for being such truly amazing kids. I'm so proud of each and every one of you.
Dear Kids Club, You were such a fun after-school activity to sponsor. I'm so thankful for the 2 years I had to work with you. I'm thankful for each and every child that came, prayed prayers, heard the Word, sang songs, played games, ate snacks, made crafts, and had fun. I'm thankful for the seeds that were planted, watered, and will continue to grow. I'm thankful in advance for how those seeds will be sewn in Dakar and in each "home" country represented by these kids. What a sweet and precious gift these kids have been!
Dear Goodbyes Over The Years, I won't lie. You've been hard. But I'm so thankful for all of the memories you've given me over the past 5 years.
Dear Being a Teacher at DA, You've been such a rewarding part of my life for the past 5 years! I'm thankful for the students that have walked through my classroom doors, and have challenged me to be the best teacher I can be!
Dear My 1st Class at DA, When I met you, you were cute little 3rd graders. You were sweet and fun and eager to learn. It's been so much fun to watch you all grow over the years and to see you all ending your 7th grade year this year, getting ready to start 8th grade. Thank you for being such agreat welcome to DA.

Dear The Love of Jesus, It's been so awesome to see you being taught and displayed in all that's done at school! What a blessing it's been to work in a loving, Christian environment for the past 5 years!
Dear Friendship, These kids know how it's done. I love it!
And last, but certainly not least...
Dear Friends I've Made, I didn't put a picture up for this one because I'm missing photos with so many of you. Thank you for the gift of sharing your friendship. Thanks for all of the memories made over the past 5 years, like nem runs, sharing Obama, Psych marathons, Bollywood movies, long chats, game nights and movie nights, dinners, meals on the roof, trips to the market, Brazilian food followed by N'ice Cream, advice sessions, pastries from Mary Market, trips to Ngaparou, Tapha runs, Best Bud days, times of prayer, and so much more.
Oops. One last one...
Dear 5 years, How did you go by so fast? I have so many memories tied into this place, so it's hard to say goodbye. But the time has almost come to do so. And I know it'll be sad, but I'm looking forward to the next adventure in my life. I'm thankful that God called me to be a missionary. I'm thankful that He loves me and has a purpose for my life. I'm thankful that He gave me the gift of Dakar Academy. And I'm thankful to have all the memories.
See you later DA. Well, actually I'll still see you next week all week, but you get the idea :)