Tuesday, October 21, 2014

It's the 21st of October!

It's the 21st, so in honor of today, Here are 21 facts about me.

I could live my life without chocolate... with the exception of the occasional Reese's in the U.S. or scoop of obama ice cream in Senegal :)

I've never donated blood. The times I've tried, I got so nervous at the thought of the needles and blood that my heart rate shot up way too high for them to allow me to give it. And it's funny because...

I can see surgeries on tv or in movies or in pictures and I'm fine. But let me see my own blood? That's when I freak out.

I refuse to pay a lot of money for sunglasses. There's a 99.9% guarantee that I'll end up losing or breaking them anyway, so why spend a lot of money on them? In fact, I bought two pair the other day at The Dollar Tree for $1 each. 

I'm realizing that winter is going to be expensive for me. I need closed toe shoes, pants, long sleeve shirts, and a winter coat. Anyone want to support the "Elisabeth has been in Africa for 5 years and hasn't needed these things which means she's going to be out a whole lot of money soon" fund? :)

I'm not a fan of Halloween. And I've been really glad to have missed out on all the scariness of it the past five years. If Halloween could really just be cute little kids in fun costumes getting candy, it would be different. But somewhere along the way, Halloween became this business of scaring people and now has so much demonic things attached to it. I just don't understand it.

I love to write. I need to find a place that would pay me to do so. That way, I could keep teaching, but still make a little extra money.

I have an odd memory. I can remember birthdates and phone numbers like it's nobody's business. But ask me to remember a Bible verse or an important fact for a test and I can't. That's why I've always crammed for tests. Isn't that weird?

I still wish on shooting stars or when I see the first star at night or even before I blow out the candles on my birthday cake. It's crazy, I know. But hey, what could it hurt, you know? :)

I sometimes think missed out by not living on campus during college. But then I remind myself of how much money I saved by living at home and I quickly get over it.

Getting mail makes me so happy! ...not junk mail or bills, but cards or letters that people actually put time and effort into writing. It totally brightens my day. I love it!

I sometimes hate living so far from work (45 mins) and church (1hr15min) and even town (15-20min). But I do love being in the "country" and not having to hear the noise of the city, or deal with crazy traffic or anything like that.

The thought of turning 30 next year doesn't really bother me like I thought it would. Although it does feel weird to know that I'm about to put another decade of life behind me...

I find that even at 29, I still put a bit of a wall up when meeting new people. It's almost as if, at a sub-conscious level, I'm afraid to get too close because eventually I'll leave/move again and I don't want to get hurt. 

I've been back in the States since the 7th of June and I've yet to go to a movie theater or to Target. Shocking, I know :)

I have to sometimes catch myself from saying oui or non or bonjour or merci when greeting someone here...

Teaching Special Education is my favorite out of the 3 areas I'm trained in. It's a lot of work, and I spend a LOT of time on paperwork. But I love it! The positives definitely outweigh the negatives (even all of that annoying, but necessary paperwork).

I love wearing scarves. It's just too bad that it's almost always hot in the two places I call "home." So that is when I turn a scarf into basically a headband. And then voila! I can still wear it when it's hot out, and not look crazy :)

It's sometimes surprising to me just how many people really have such a poor understanding of world geography. I really think more schools need to include world geography in their curriculum and more adults need to take the time to refresh themselves on the subject.

I listen to Christmas music year round. Don't judge me :)

Thinking of 21 things was way more difficult than I thought it'd be. Don't believe me? Try it.

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