Sunday, October 12, 2014

Keep Trash Out of the Temple

As part of his sermon this morning, my dad told the following story...

 I was in the Navy at the time and had taken a Greyhound [bus] to get home. This lady with a "questionable" job said she was thirsty and had no money and asked if she could have some of my coke. Being the nice person I was, I decided to give her some, thinking she'd pour a little in her mouth and be done with it.

But no - She slobbered all over the coke bottle and backwashed all in it. Needless to say I let her have the rest. 

After he told this story, he shared from 2 Corinthians 6. Just as he knew to stay away from the "trash," or germs, that lady had gotten in his coke bottle - So are we to keep the "trash" out of our lives. We are to not be unequally yoked. We are not to let spiritual trash into our lives.

So how often do we let trash into our lives? 

What about... 

...the jokes we listen to?
...the songs on the radio?
...the t.v. shows & movies we watch?
...the websites we visit?

I'm speaking to myself here too. How often have I watched something, thinking Oh it's fine. I'm not going to be saying those words myself. It's no big deal if I watch this show. 

Guys, our body is our temple. We have to treat it as such. We have to watch what we let into our temple. ...what we eat/drink, what we watch, what we listen to, what we spend our time doing, what we say, etc.

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