Monday, October 6, 2014

Lessons Learned From Sitting in Traffic

I ran into a crazy amount of traffic on my way home yesterday. What should have taken a little less than two hours, ended up taking double that. And yes, I definitely did get annoyed. But after a while I thought, hey why not be productive during this time. 

And thus, this blog post was born :)

Traffic... What is is good for? Absolutely nothin'. Say it again..

*See what I did there? :)

Y'all... Traffic is a part of life. I've seen it in big cities, on dirt roads out in the country, and on African streets where the concept of driving laws is a complete joke. It's going to happen sooner or later - and more or less frequently, depending on your situation.

So what can we learn from it? Use your imagination a little...

1. It's okay to let someone cut in every now and then. We don't have to be first at everything. It's ok to relinquish control to others. I think this applies quite well to those in the workplace (and in life, in general). We don't always have to be nĂºmero uno. Allow others the chance to succeed. Stop trying to top everybody. Allow others to get ahead. 

Oh my word... Can you imagine being stuck in that madness?

2. Watch out for the crazies on the road. Y'all... There will always be "crazies" out there. You know who I'm talking about... These are the people disobeying all traffic laws (and common sense "laws" too). I consider these the people who suck the joy out of your life. Don't let the craziness around you suck you in. Ignore it.

And if all else fails... Just buy a helicopter and get out of there :)

3. Keep an eye on your gauges. Just like you watch your car's gauges to make sure it doesn't overheat or to see when you need to replace the oil or wiper fluids or whatever, you need to watch your own gauges. God gives us clues on this. Listen to Him. Listen to your body. You know when you need to rest and refresh. You know when your Spirit is lacking and you need to get closer with God. 

4. We careful what you do. You never know who's watching. the guy sitting next to me in the traffic yesterday who thought he could pick his nose in secret. (eww!) There are people that watch what we do. Kids, co-workers, family, neighbors, waitresses at restaurants, etc... What kind of witness are you making? What are your words and actions telling people? Is it reflecting Jesus?

5. There will always be bullies. Don't let them get to you. Bullies aren't just in elementary school. They're in the workplace. They're in the neighborhood. They're in life. Ignore mean, rude behavior. Be the bigger man. Don't fight hate with hate. Don't keep the cycle going. Refuse to be a bully.

6. Be flexible. Sometimes plans change. Go with the flow. Be ready for what comes you're way, and if you can't... Then accept the change in life as a detour in the adventure God has called you on. And when all else fails, string a hammock up and take a nap :)

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