Wednesday, October 29, 2014

It's the little things...

Sometimes it's the seemingly little things that make the biggest difference in my day. 

Today some of those "little" things were...

...seeing the excitement and pride a child felt after FINALLY mastering writing his name :)

...sitting with a 1st grade class at lunch and hearing their adorably cute conversations.

...getting a compliment on a day when I felt my worst.

...not having to drive in fog this morning, especially since I'd had to the last 2 mornings.

...hearing an affirming "You're doing a good job, you know." from another teacher.

...getting a lot of paperwork done during my planning time, which meant I wouldn't have to stay quite as late as planned.

I think that far too often we focus so much on the "big picture," that we forget to stop and take notice of the little things.

God places these little treasures in our paths each day. We just need to take the time to notice them and thank Him for them.

So here's your challenge. 

Tomorrow - Go out. Live your day. Spend time noticing all the little things that make you smile throughout your day. Then see how better your day goes as a result.

And as always, thanks Google Images for the pictures/quotes :)

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