Friday, October 24, 2014

More Alphabet Soup


...allowed one class to have 2 minutes of "free writing" time today and you would've thought I had given them a million bucks by how excited they got :)

...bought myself a bouquet of flowers yesterday. Why? My week has stunk, so I wanted to reward myself for "making it through." :)

...can't wait for Thanksgiving! It'll be my first one with my family since 2008!

...have developed a love for string cheese. It's cheap. It's healthy. And it's delicious :)

...enjoyed having watermelon in my lunch today. What a sweet, refreshing treat!

...freaked out when I was hand-delivered some paperwork this morning and told it was due to be completed on Monday. What the what?! Praise Jesus for my rescuer, aka the other Special Ed teacher who helps me a zillion or so times a day for calming me down and saying she'll help me do it on Monday. going to the thrift store tonight to look for some warmer clothes. Alabama's weather changes so often that before too long I won't be wearing them anyway. So I figure there's no point in spending a lot of money on clothes I won't be wearing that much. 

...gladly handed off the students I was in charge of to their parents this afternoon. I may love them but boy am I glad it's the weekend!

...included the ABCs of Inclusion in my weekly newsletter I give to the teachers I work with. getting better at juggling all of my responsibilities. My week might not have been the best, but at least I'm not feeling totally overwhelmed. Baby steps... :)

...killed a mosquito this morning, which I thought was odd since it's so cold. Shouldn't all the mosquitos be gone by now?! looking forward to my nieces (and their parents too, of course) visiting tomorrow :)

...may or may not have bought an ice cream treat after I finished selling them to the kids at school this afternoon. Yum! 

...need to go ahead and reserve our hotel rooms for our trip to Mobile at the end of November. I'm so excited! ordering a Navy hat and shirt for my dad and a shirt for me to wear at the Navy game we're going to at the end of November. 

...preparing myself (by studying) for my last Berean class for my first level of credentials with the Assemblies of God. It's such a good feeling to know that I'm almost finished!

...quench my thirst every morning with a tall glass of ice water. It does an even job than caffeine!

...repaired so many broken mechanical pencils this week for students. It's no wonder that most teachers ban students from using them.

...spent my whole day in Clanton this past Sunday, as I will be from now on. It's just too far to drive home and back in between services. So after lunch each week, I'll just hang around in town and study for my Berean class.

...think America should have a law, requiring a daily nap time. Yep, let's make it happen folks :)

...use Facebook Messenger, Voxer, and email to stay in touch with friends around the world. I'm so grateful for technology!

...verify the trustworthiness of an article before believing it to be true and sharing it on various forms of social media.

...wonder if it'll snow in Alabama this year. Don't get me wrong. I'd be freezing and probably complaining a little if it did, but I'd still love to see it :)

...Xerox so much in a week since I have to keep a copy of every single document I send to Central Office or send home with a student. Seriously... I owe the trees an apology...

...was yawning by the end of the day today. This week has about done me in.

...need to zip by the gas station before heading home since my tank is on empty. Oops!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you had a rough week! It gets better! (I hope!) :)
