Dear 17, You're how many days in a row, counting today, that I've written on my blog. That's a record high for me and I am enjoying it. I love writing!
Dear Warmer Clothes, You're what I bought last night. For the past five years I've only experienced real cold weather for about a week and a half to two weeks each year. And since I was on vacation during that time I only needed jeans and sweatshirts. But now I'm working at a job, in this "winter weather," where I needed some nicer clothes.
Dear Music, It's amazing how you can bring on a flood of memories. They are so many songs that I can hear and I am instantly transported back in time.
Dear 3 Days, You're how many days I will be teaching next week. I have one full day of training on Thursday with a lot of my fellow Special Education teachers. And then I am taking a personal day on Friday so I can play chauffeur for my parents since my dad has doctor appointments all day that day.
Dear Ponytail, My hair is almost long enough for me to enjoy you. And I am so ready!
Dear Friday by Rebecca Black, You've been stuck in my head ever since yesterday afternoon.
Dear Relationships and Ethics in Ministey, You're the title of the last class I have before I am finished with all the requirements for my first level of credentials with the Assemblies of God.
Dear My Parents, I just wanted to publicly announce that you both are such an incredibly huge blessing in my life!
Dear Fortune Cookie, When I opened you at dinner the other night, I took an picture of the fortune you contained. Here's hoping you come true :)
Dear FYI to Anyone Who Thinks I Actually Believe in These Fortunes, Don't worry. I don't. I promise it's just for fun :)
Dear Major Awesomeness, You're how I'd describe it if that "fortune" really did come true though :)
Dear Nap, You're happening today. I promise.
Dear Church, You're tomorrow. I love that excited feeling I get on Saturdays, knowing that church is the next day :)
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