Saturday, October 20, 2012

The 35th Dear _____ Post

Dear Alabama vs Missouri Game, I got to watch you online and chat with my dad and brother throughout the game this past Saturday. It made me feel kind of like I was there watching with them. And to top it off, BAMA won! ...'twas a fun game to watch. That's for sure :)

Dear Thirty-One, I've always loved your products, but since they're priced ridiculously high, I haven't been able to purchase any of them. BUT someone sent me some money this week, with the instructions to, and I quote, "spend it on something FUN for you...something you normally wouldn't splurge and buy yourself." So I followed instructions like a good girl and bought a fun tote bag to use for school. How awesome is that?

Dear Report Cards, I finished you this past Sunday night. I also vowed at that moment to stop being such a procrastinator. So far, I've done pretty good. Here's hoping that it lasts :)

Dear Dinner Invite, I received you for this past Thursday night. You were so nice because 1) I didn't have to cook. 2) There was good company. 3) There was delicious food. 4) It's nice to be the one being invited and not just inviting every now and then. :)

Dear Harvest Fest at School, You were last night. Since I'd taught all morning, met with parents all afternoon, and then attended you, I didn't stay long. The need for sleep, and knowing I had to wake up early the next day, won me over.

Dear Chicken Bacon Ranch Wrap, I had you last night at my school's Harvest Fest. Oh my goodness... so yummy! :)

Dear Air Conditioning, I just want you to know that I love you. Seriously... I do. :)

Dear Jeremiah 29:11, You've always been one of my favorite verses. But lately, God's been placing you on my heart more and more. I have a hard time remembering that I don't have to plan out every little detail of my life. God has that taken care of already. He's got a plan for my life. So now I just need to remember that more often. :)

Dear LOVE, You're how I feel about the picture below. My brother sent it to me this past weekend. My dad had been trying to get my niece to laugh and he succeeded. My brother said she was laughing so hard her little tongue was hanging out. Is she not the most precious thing ever?! I so love her! :)

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