Wednesday, September 9, 2015

I'll see ya soon Senegal

See that billboard up there? It has a set of clear, concise steps for you to take in life. See how easy everything is...

I often think life would be easier if God would say those words to me. 

But then again, where's the fun in that? As much as I'd like to breeze through life, I must admit... 

I do love a good change from time to time. In fact, I think I thrive on a good, life-bettering challenge.

So with that in mind...

Since all the people (i.e. bosses) that needed to hear straight from me, and not via my blog, Facebook, etc. have heard it by now...

When I came back to the States in June 2014, I knew it was not going to be forever... 

When I made the decision to "take a break" in late September of that year to focus on family, I still knew that it was not forever...

Then my dad passed away in April and I knew it probably wouldn't be much longer...

So it really don't come as a shock when the Lord started dropping little "hints" in my heart, getting me prepared for a new change.

I had multiple dreams of being at Dakar Academy (DA) again...

I had multiple dreams of being in Dakar, attending church, shopping in the market, visiting with fellow missionaries...

I had intense bouts of homesickness for Senegal...

And more than that, I would go to bed each night and then wake up each morning with Senegal on my mind. 

I knew God was up to something, so I knew I needed to pray.

And each time I prayed, I heard that still small voice say the same thing...

Get ready.

And eventually, the "get ready" changed to...

It's time. Will you follow me back to Senegal?

And y'all...

I have literally never in my life felt so much PEACE as when I answered YES to that question.

So what now? 

I've been in contact with my AGWM West Africa director and we're starting to process for me to be reinstated, so to speak, with them, ready to head back to Dakar, Senegal, West Africa (where I lived/worked/ministered for 5 years). 

And now I fill out all sorts of paperwork, raise financial support, share my heart for Dakar Academy and for Senegal, and I wait...

And to answer a few questions that I'm sure people will have...

What will you be doing?

The plan is ideally for me to get a teaching position back at DA (where I taught for 5 years). But since it's so early in the current school year, I have to wait to see what position comes open.

Past that, I'll be working "part time" with the team I'd originally planned on working with. Ideally I'll have a job at DA and will then work some weekends and school holidays with the team. 

When will you go?

It all depends on the job situation at DA. Ideally everything will work out like I'm planning (based off God's leading in my heart), and I'll be able to get there at the end of July or beginning of August.

How much support will you need to raise?

I don't have an exact amount yet. But based off what it was when I was there before and factoring in cost of living increases, etc., I can estimate that I'll need to raise approximately $1500 to $2000 in monthly pledges and $8000 to $10,000 in cash support.

Wow! That's a lot of money! Why that much?!

The first thing you should know is that the cost of living is high. For example... A box of cereal is about $12. The equivalent of a gallon of good, non-powdered milk is about $6 - $8. A pound of chicken breasts is about $9. A can of black beans is about $4

The monthly pledges are what pays my monthly salary. This pays for typical monthly bills, good quality insurance, public transport around the city, groceries, communication with supporters (i.e. printed newsletters and internet), supplies for my ministry, etc.

The cash support is what helps me set up my new home. It also pays for missions conferences and big expenditures for my ministry. It could pay for an inverter (battery backup) in case of electricity outage in my home. Plus, it is there to help in the event of a major unforeseen expenditure.

But how will you raise that much?!

Short answer... God!

Long answer... I know without a shadow of a doubt that God wants me there. So I will trust in Him to provide the necessary funds.

Now, does that mean I'll just sit back and do nothing? No. Of course not. That'd be dumb.

I will be pastors, family, friends, businesses, and anyone else who will listen, offering to come share with their congregations, small groups, Sunday School classes, youth groups, children's church, book clubs, staff/board meetings, dinners, etc. I will offer to come almost anywhere (within reason of course) and share my heart for Dakar Academy and for Senegal. 

Why do it? Why put yourself through all of that?

Simple... I'm following the call of God on my life. I'm 100% devoted to going where He wants me to go. 

On July 30, 2009, I landed in Senegal for the very first time. And even though it wasn't always perfect, I fell in love with the country, its beauty, its food, and its people. And I can't wait to be back!

How can we help?

Send me an email at

I can give you all the info you need if you want to financially support my ministry in Senegal.

Have a church (or any other kind of) group and want me to come share my heart for Dakar Academy and for Senegal? Send me an email at the address with your phone number and I'll call and we can schedule a time for me to come,

And the biggest thing you can do...

Please pray. 

There are a lot of little (and some big) details that need to be worked out. 

Help me pray that God works them all out in His perfect time.

And help me pray that I trust in God's perfect timing and not worry about my own.

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