Thursday, September 24, 2015

Thursday's Letters

Dear 93.7 WDJC, You're our local Christian radio station and I've rekindled my love of you. Thanks for providing a good dose of inspiration on my morning drives to work.

Dear Field Trip, You happened yesterday. Our entire school went and was gone from 9 til 2ish. And oh my word, it was hot and exhausting, but the smiles on the kids' faces were so worth it :)

Dear Fall, You began yesterday. Can you hurry Mother Nature up on bringing us some cooler temps?

Dear Amazon Prime, You rock! Just sayin'

Dear Morning Duty, You aren't ideal since you require me to get to work so very early. But you know what... I really do love getting to hang out and get to know so many of our kids while we're waiting 'til school starts.

Dear Rain Boots, You've gotten quite the workout this month thanks to a little thing called Rainy Day Dismissal.

Dear License Exam and Interview, You happened this past Monday. Thanks for not being as scary as I thought you might be :)

Dear Caffeine Free Diet Dr. Pepper, I love you. Know you'll definitely be missed when I leave the country next year.

Dear Big Bang Theory (the tv show), You started back this week. You're so hilarious. I'm so glad some co-workers introduced me to you a few years ago :)

Dear NCIS, You also started back this week. My dad so loved you! So it made me smile to watch it and think of him :)

Dear School Supplies, I love you. I also think I might have a slight addiction when it comes to you.

Dear Shocked, You're how I'd describe some of my kids when they found out I am 30 years old. It was hilarious!

Dear Blessing, You're how I'd describe my Special Ed ladies at work. I'm going to miss them next year!

Dear Ant Bite, Who would've thought something as small as you could hurt so bad.

Dear A Whole Lot of Nothing, You're what I have planned for most of this weekend. And boy oh boy am I happy about that :)

Dear Writing Thank You Notes, You're a lost art form. I think more of the world needs to find you again.

Dear Pecan Pie, You're a seasonal flavor of M&M's and I think you are the bomb dot com.

Dear Fields of Cotton, You're what I've passed every afternoon recently. You're so beautiful! I just wish I'd stopped and taken a photo of your beauty.

Dear Wish List for Senegal, I've started you on As of now you include trunks (in place of suitcases), plug adapters, and a few school supply items, among other things.

Dear Ready to Start, You're how I am in regards to raising my missions support. But I can't until all the paperwork (not mine) is finished. Here's hoping all that gets finished soon!

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