Saturday, September 5, 2015

Shuffling Along...

Today's prompt for Brave Love Blog's Blogtember Challenge is...

Put your iPod on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that play. And no cheating!

Here are my 10...

I feel like this song is a great worship song. It expresses my desire to have total dependence on my Savior.

This sound makes me think of my dad and makes me think of all the memories I have of them.

Isn't that what all of us that call ourselves Christian should be love, serve, speak, care like our Savior?

This song is one of my favorites and always makes me smile. It doesn't matter how many people you have around you... Sometimes we all feel alone in this world. But if we have Jesus as our personal Savior, we don't have to feel that way. He will always be with us.

This is another favorite worship song. I love that I have what I have in the Holy Spirit. P.S. Want to know all the goodness the Holy Spirit has to offer? Read Acts 2.

I recently purchased this album and instantly fell in love. I love Rend Collective's music!

This song helped me through the most hardest time of my life - the passing of my dad. I even wrote a blog post on this song and how it helped me.

This was one of my dad's favorite worship songs and when he introduced me to it, it became one of mine as well. 

The first time I heard this version of the popular Christmas carol was via a puppet show put on by Dakar Academy's Drama Team a few years back. I loved it! It's definitely good for a laugh :)

I think this song is such a great song. It's a great dreamer type dream of what our world could be like if all the badness went away. Wouldn't it be nice?

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